Good morning my dearest com..
I've been ignoring you..
for bout..hmm..1 day?
And I feel damn bad..
No hard feelings okay?
The past 2 days were spent with
Baby..she was off..
We spent great quality time yesterday..
And I have to say that she's really patient
with me..when i looked at shoes and stuff..
She took the time to pick out nice stuff for
me..I did the same for her too..
She saw alot of stuff she liked..
But we were both broke so no shopping
was done..;)
Today..was holland v day..
went there with Baby and met Chris and Casey..
Had yong tau fu soup and felt abit bloated and
sick after i kept drinking water..
Then Brandon came..poor fellow..argued with
Roxanne..Oh well..None of my business but..
Just feel bad for him..;(
Meeting Shal tomorrow with Chris..
Gonna go to church and meet my mum
there..Haven't chatted with her in a
DAMN long time..
Can't wait to sit and talk to her..
I know she's changed alot..
But it's for the better..
Oh..before going to church..
I'm hitting the gym with Chris..
I asked baby along..but she's scared she'll
be late for work..afternoon shift..
Speaking of her..she's supposed to be online now..
But she's missing in action..
I'M BORED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and i'm not tired..
I can't sleep!!!
kept getting up yesterday..don't know why.. I that stressed?
I don't think so..
It's minimizing..but why am I not sleeping well?
Oh i go..
gonna look for baby..
I've been ignoring you..
for bout..hmm..1 day?
And I feel damn bad..
No hard feelings okay?
The past 2 days were spent with
Baby..she was off..
We spent great quality time yesterday..
And I have to say that she's really patient
with me..when i looked at shoes and stuff..
She took the time to pick out nice stuff for
me..I did the same for her too..
She saw alot of stuff she liked..
But we were both broke so no shopping
was done..;)
Today..was holland v day..
went there with Baby and met Chris and Casey..
Had yong tau fu soup and felt abit bloated and
sick after i kept drinking water..
Then Brandon came..poor fellow..argued with
Roxanne..Oh well..None of my business but..
Just feel bad for him..;(
Meeting Shal tomorrow with Chris..
Gonna go to church and meet my mum
there..Haven't chatted with her in a
DAMN long time..
Can't wait to sit and talk to her..
I know she's changed alot..
But it's for the better..
Oh..before going to church..
I'm hitting the gym with Chris..
I asked baby along..but she's scared she'll
be late for work..afternoon shift..
Speaking of her..she's supposed to be online now..
But she's missing in action..
I'M BORED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and i'm not tired..
I can't sleep!!!
kept getting up yesterday..don't know why.. I that stressed?
I don't think so..
It's minimizing..but why am I not sleeping well?
Oh i go..
gonna look for baby..
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