Sunday, February 26, 2006

Back to the future..

Did lots this whole week..
Well maybe not the whooole week..
but yesterday was a busy day..

Well now..on Monday..I can't
really remember..Oh yeah..
I studied the whole day and then
went to meet Precious and the gang
after that..had dinner and laughed and
laughed...(I always do when I'm with them)..
Then went home..

Tuesday..I can't remember what I did..
I really can't..I think I studied the whole day..
And then..Oh man..I don't even know if I met
Precious that day..heh..
Sorry..this is really what BOREDOM does to you..
I can't wait for school to start..

Wednesday..I studied the whole day then met
Precious for dinner..Nadiah had to go home..
Imai was nowhere to be seen..Because..Oh ya..
The poor thing went to get her teeth extracted..
She's gonna get braces on soon..
I heard something bout Griselda..that one also

Thursday..I studied the whole day and then
met the gang for dinner again..;)
It's NOT boring when you're with them..
They still treat me like a part of their 'family'
eventhough i'm outta that school..
They still fill me in on what's new in school..
What's hot and what's not..and what rubbish
has been going around..and who did this and
who did that..;) it's really cool they still know who
I am and that I exist..THank you guys..;)

Friday..Got up early to enrol in my new school..
URGH,please..As we were signing the papers..
I think the sessions just finish and all the
kids(as in people somewhere around my age)
shuffled and made alot of noise coming outta the
classes..(They had to pass by the office to get out..) look at them and I started to tear up..
I was trembling and silently asked God if this was a
dream and that if it was..I'd like to get up now..
But NOOOOOOOOOOOOooo..It was a living nightmare..
They were havoc kids and made alot of noise..
Even the staff working there couldn't handle them..
She had to shout at them..
They must be either a year younger and a few years
older..but they acted like animals being let out of
the zoo..
Damn it..I just sat there and couldn't pay attention
to what the lady was telling me..;(
And when we were coming down from the office..
(the stairs is rather dark and lonely)..
At the bottom of the stairs..there was this group of
secondary school boys crowding round this guy
with a bag of cigarettes..
It was very scary..If not for my mum..
I have no idea how and what I would've done
when they were 'thinking out loud'..
Anyway..after that I had a huge arguement with my
mum and didn't feel like going anywhere after that..
So I went home to sulk and didn't feel like it was
safe to meet Precious..

Yesterday..had a superb time!!
Just what I needed..
Went to meet Precious near my granny's house..
Then went to granny's to collect my gorgeous
jewellery from my Aunt..then took the train to
go to Orchard to meet Imai..Then brought
Precious to get her haircut..And she was shivering
before the cut because she was scared of that bung
cutting her hair..heh..and after the cut and wash..
It was super duper short..and she later on got into
trouble with her mum because of it..sigh..;(

Anyway..After that..we were so so so hungry but
decided to wait for Nadiah and Des first..
So we headed to Bugis and looked around and waited
for almost and hour then we finally got to see Nadiah
Des..Hmm..shall not elaborate for safetly reasons..
After looking aroung for Emmelyn's present..
We went to her birthday party at the chalets at Pasir
Ris..We went there and ate some 'Kotek bakar'
and then went for a walk at the beach..
Yup..all of us..we found a nice dark place and sat
down..We talkedand laughed and hahahaha..
I HAVE to say this..
When we're walking to the beach..we heard alot of
frogs croaking..Then when we were on the grass patch,
Precious shouted.."Frog!" and instead of Nadiah
and us,girls screaming,Des got scared and jumped
away from the spot..heh..We all had a good laugh at her..
Well..and then at the beach...
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Uh huh..;)
and that was my day yesterday..

Tiday..I did nothing but slack at home and eat and
eat and watch tv..Feeling very very moody and
I think it's because Crimson Tide's coming..
Sorry Precious..I've been mean to you..
I'll be better tomorrow k?
I love you..
See you tomorrow with a big smile on my


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