Friday, February 03, 2006

Crimson tide's over..!!!!
At last...I'm free from unwanted pain..;)
Well..I haven't really had the mood to blog..
Though many things happened..heh..
Went fot the job interview with Berly..(hee..)
Took qutie awhile finding the place..
Saw this shop called 'Hairy Crab' and Beryl suggested
we eat there..when I commented on the price..
she said.."No need la..After we go toilet..
Then after some time I'll say 'Oh my friend's missing'
and I'll pretend to look for you..Then we run la.."
And so I said.." sound very confident..I'm
sure you must have done this many times right?"
And she said.."I always thought of it but never really got
down to doing it.."
Oh my..She has the cheek to say that..
So next time of she mentions that she ate at this
pricey place..You'll know what she did..
;) anyway..we went to the interview
place not knowing what company it was..
(which I found really funny)
Then we waited in the lounge..
Did stupid things and started to play..
It's a good thing the reception counter
was high and so she couldn't see us..heh..;)
We were brought to this room and got raped
by the female boss..
haha..alright alright..
We were brought to this room for the interview..
She asked us to like..introduce ourselves and
then we were stuck..
I've always been shy..No doubt bout that..
But when it came to Beryl's turn..
She kept 'erm....' ing too..heh..
Then the boss showed us around..
The place looked very nice..
We confirmed that we wanted to
work there and she said she'll call..
Oh man..what if she doesn't call?
That..I'm scared of..
After the interview..went to town for lunch..
Ate quite alot..I mean..A hotdog and 2 ice creams?
Then we looked around..and said dumb things to annoy
each was mostly BEryl annoying me..
She tried on this and that..And tried to act cool
in this shop..and then she walked and banged into
the table and it shook..hah..;)
Then she tried on this top and I COMPLIMENTED
her and she said 'F**k YOU!" So loudly..
Oh man..Next time when she tries on
something..I'm NOT gonna be in the shop..
Met Precious after that..
Had yet another ice-cream with her..
Heh..;) I really felt like a Pig..
After that..we went home..
Sat on the bus and this Indian man sat
so close next to me..and he was
holding on for dear life onto the handle..
What was wrong with that man??
The ipod didn't help the
uncomfortable ride either..
Ah well..
Had a huge headache when I came home..
So I watched tv for awhile and went to bed..
It sucked badly..
Felt much much better when I woke up..
Waited for Precious to come over..;)
Then ate..had some cake..and grapes..
We never knew this but we do the same thing
when we eat grapes..
We'd peel of the skin with our teeth first..
then eat the botak grape..;)
It's so sad..I don't know when I'm
ever gonna get my hair done..
Wanted to get it done yesterday but
couldn't because of the interview..and
didn't wanna do it today because Precious
was coming over..Can't do it tomorrow
because I'm afraid I won't be in time for
the Chingay..I really don't wanna
miss it..It'll be my first time watching the chingay..
And Nadiah's in it!!
I'm gonna try my best to spot her..;)
I'm coming to see you, Nadiah!!
Ok now..I'm damn full..
and I'm not sure..but I think my headache's
coming back..


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