Tuesday, February 07, 2006

I think I'm gonna shit in my pants
any moment..The more I think of it..
The more I'm getting queasy..
It's all my fault..I've shut my teacher's
advice out of my head the whole time
last year..When all she was doing was
help me wake up and realise that I was
in for big big trouble..
Well..I'm only excited to see all my
classmates again..But that will only
last for what..Ten minutes?
Sigh..Why can't they give out the results
in the morning???
I mean that way..The teachers can tend to
us and leave the other kids to do their own
things..I mean..the cool and rebellious ones
will be playing around..music will come on..
and stuff like that..and the studious ones
will be studying and reading or something?
Everyone's happy right???
I just don't wanna be left hanging till afternoon..
But then again..I doubt it'll be something worth
waiting for..so..what the hell..
The longer the better..

Precious came after school.
She was supposed to go for her run
after school..but decided to come here instead..
;) had lunch with her..
I love her soooo much..
I hope she'll be there for me after I get my

Know what? I got bored just now..
And so I decided to attach and artificial nail
to both my pinkies..
It is kinda hard to type..
But iit's alright..
I painted my nails orange..
Lucky Precious is alright with whatever
colour I paint my nails..
I miss her so much now..
Tonight's gonna be oneeeee looooonnnngg

I am bored bored bored..

still bored..
I should just go..
Chase lizards or something..


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