Sunday, February 12, 2006

Gee..I was actually planning on not
blogging for awhile..
You know..being bored and everything..
And plus..I've nothing much to really
blog about..

What I meant to say is..
I HAD nothing to blog about..
But thank you so so so much X..
For giving me something to
blog about..
My my..You really shouldn't have said
what you said..
Now you just give me something more
to bitch about..
That's what most girls do..don't they?
Since just love going around
telling people that the reason I broke up
with you is because of a third party..'s no wonder why I love to just
shove everything at you..

Let me see..this might be pretty long..
need a cushion for your ass?

Let's see now..
Here are some newsflashes for you..
Simply because like you said..
You are the new you now..
So why not pay respects to the old you..
hmmm? Shall we?

1) I did NOT break up with you because of
a third party..But of course..Why on earth
would you tell ppl the truth and say it was
your words and behavior that called this off?

2) If you insist I did..please..kindly do what you
do best..I'm sure you've no other hobbies..

3) What's that you say? You didn't know you
were treating you ex-es like that?
Yeah baby..I'll say..

4) You put me through hell..
No doubt about that,Mr. I-can-get-any-girl-
or-what-I-really-am..I hope I put You through

5) How can a diamond ring
for his/her girlfriend..and say.."Even if we break
up..the ring is still yours.." and then take it back
when it's all hoo..heartbreaking..
But I did learn one thing about will hold it
up against me if I didn't give you back to ring..
I wonder if You shoved it where the sun don't shine..

6) I wonder why you wasted your money..(imagine the
waste of my time) on body tests and everything
when the real answer is staring at everyone..

7) You don't need anyone's you?
Why ask for it then?

8) Bitch..we both played each other out..;)
I cheated on you..(I'm bold and honest enough to
admitt it)..and you lied and cheated on me
about so many other things..
But of course..would you really admitt it?Nah..didn't
think so..

9) With a head like that of yours..Man..You wasted my
mother's time sweet talking to you while I struggled
to study the night before my Physics O level paper..
Where were you? oh deary me..Why were you there?
I think it's because that was the night I cheated on you
and you mutilated yourself ? That's it..isn't it..
Well then..It's indeed a fact that that was my fault..
But who was the one who had a last say and tried to be
domineering over something so minor..Was that the
child in you? Well..I'm not quite sure..
With that smart mouth of yours..You did it..;)
you ended it all..

10) Now since you say that there is a new you..
I hope you've dropped the childishness and
the 'tough' appearance you give others..
Please save other girls and yourself the agony?

Well now..All has been said..and enough said..
I happen to be still in my teens..and you..
technically are an adult..(23 is it?)
I'm still technically a little one..compared to
you,that is..
So err..bitching around may be a normal thing for
But I think you look dumb and too old to be bitching..
Altogether..No harm right? I'm a 'small girl'..

As for me..
I'm very happy with my Precious who doesn't happen
to be a lunatic..Studying this year is going to be a
joy for me..Hooray..


Be my valentine?


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