Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Ah well..
Today was rather alright..
But nothing much..
Class was irritating as usual
when Aida teaches..She was
flirting and all with the malay boys
(as usual)..Wait..Now there's a
new one..FAT BOY..
He's really interested in her and
keeps checking her out..
To the extent where he took pics
of her with his phone..
She only found out about it after
class..And by then it was too late..
FAT BOY ran out of class..
Let's see what happens tomorrow..

Urgh..I dread tomorrow..
I'm gonna be so damn tired..
I'll only be alive after 5pm when I get
to go meet Shalini and the rest and
at least have some fun..
It's been quite awhile..

Hmm..I'm still contemplating on
whether to wear a long sleeve shirt
tomorrow..Or just a t-shirt and then
a jacket over..
I REALLY don't know!!! And it's driving
me crazy..
Well..At least I have something to think
about..If not I'm gonna be rotting either
in front of the com or the TV..

I'm really happy today I didn't get a headache..
but I know tomorrow after coming out
of school at DG..My friend named Headache
will follow me to BM..
Hopefully panadol can get rid of him..Or her..
Ok..I'm beginning to talk rubbish..
Or have I already been talking rubbish?
Let me know..whoever who reads my blog..
Ya'll better start tagging ah!!!!
Don't you dare leave without tagging!
You rude person,you!
Okok..heh..just kidding..
Kindly tag on the way out,yeah?
Thank you so much..;)

I'm glad to announce that my nails
have grown way past the longest I
kept them last time..
I should be able to get my french
manicure done pretty soon..;)

I can't wait for this pair of contact lenses
I'm wearing now to expire..
I really want grey-ish/silver-ish eyes..
I'm sick of the green ones already..
Seriously..I don't want a repeat of the incident
last time..I asked for green contacts and
payed for them..only realising the mistake I
made when I came home..The GREEN was
I freaked myself out..(not to mention others..)
Ah well..

Can't wait for Friday..;)
5th month with Precious..
I love you..
OH! And also..I get my allowance
and I've got many many CDs to buy..
Hee..;) I'll be one happy woman..

Ok now..I'm gonna float in heaven
while eating ice cream..

Illuminosa Immortalis..


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