Friday, April 27, 2007

I'm feeling much better now.
I think.
I kept thinking and thinking last night
before I slept..Which was around 3..
This feeling of depression just came over
I forced myself to sleep..
I listened to the same song over and over
again till I felt sleepy and just chucked the
ipod away.I didn't realise it was on repeat.

I got a million and one things to say..
They're at the tip of my tongue..No.wait.
Fingers,I meant.
But making you feel more guilty than you
already do is not gonna make things better..
Neither would I feel good about it..
Because you punished me for my wrong
doings in ways that I won't ever do to

I'm still sore about it,alright.
I've forgiven you but I'm still sore.
It hit me very badly..
I'm sure what I did to you last time
was lingering at the back of your head for
a few days or maybe a week after it happened.
I won't question you anymore..
I'm tired..and I know you're tired of answering
my questions.
Oh wait..I have but one more question to ask you..
I guess I'll text you soon..

I'm supposed to go out with my mum..
But i'm rather reluctant(although it's shopping time)
because I know she wants to speak to me bout
something I really do NOT wanna talk about..
Well,maybe I'll talk to her bout how I feel and everything..
But she's jolly well gonna talk me out of it..
Tough luck,again.
I'd better win..
This is all up to me anyway.

nothing is worst than having a very very bad tummy
ache when you're about to go out.


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