Friday, January 20, 2006

Alright now..
Just finished cooking for her..
I hope she appreciates my food..
unlike some @#^&*@ people we
Now,now melly..No names..remember?
So I'm done with the cooking and
I is now watching 2 Fast 2 Furious..
Man..they're awesome..
I think maybe that's where my brother
got his inspirations from?
From what I hear..he's damn solid at
karting..I've yet to do that..I might
one day..;) the confidence is yet to come..

Dad just came back with my repaired
keyboards..Hooray..I've got something to
ease my ups and downs..;)
Well..mainly..there's been ups for me..;)
Dad said yes to me going to that school..
That's if they take me seriously..
It costs a BOMB and he said yes!..;)
Also..he's letting me go for the shoot which
costs quite a bit too..
Sigh..I feel kinda bad for all this..
But once I get that professional job..
You'll be going on your second honeymoon
mum and dad..;)
I'm confident in getting that job..
I'm not just gonna dream about it anymore..
I'm gonna make it happen..Like how I
made us happen..;)

Oh know what?
I didn't know what got into me last night..
But I went to the fridge last night to look
for something non-fat to eat..
I thought of cheese..but then again..I saw
this very appealing can of tomato juice..
I lOVE that!!!!
So I took that and drank away..
Then comes my dad..
dad: "Hey..what you watching?"
me: "Some indonesian show that I'm trying to
dad: "Oh ok then..I'm going to sleep..and did
you just drink a whole can of tomato juice?"
me: "Ya..why?"
dad: "Oh boy..Do you know that if you drink
juice at night..It breaks down to sugar??"
me: "Oh no...I forgot!!"
dad: "Oh yes..(shakes head and turns to my
mum) prepare yourself to hear this bum
complaining that she's gaining weight."
mum: "huh?? Goodnight!!"

You know what? I'm super guilty right now..
really guilty..and I didn't exactly cook
so many healthy things just now..
Oh boy..
Gym and rabbit food it is..;)


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