I read your blog..
I'm not the best..
You say it to me..
You say that I'm great..
But it's not how it seems..
I know there are things you feel
weighed down by..
Do you realise it?
It's getting worse..
You think that by not telling me..
I won't know..
You're wrong..
To you..I have a life that's
spent with you..
To me..I feel like I've no life at all..
This weighs me down..
The fact that I always tell you things..
But you don't..If you haven't started opening
up..When are you gonna start?
Sometimes you only care about yourself..
Not me..not others..
You run to me when you need help or when
something's bothering you..That's fine..
But when I help you..You push it till later
or you reluctantly heed my advice..
That hurts..
The fact that you thought you can tell
the future..as in tell what I"m gonna do..?
That hurts..because it's not me to do something
like that..Understand?
you were so damn confident that I'd do something
like that..fine..
you weren't so apologetic..
Sigh..And you didn't exactly make it up to me..
You're getting different and different each time..
I'm getting confused..
Maybe you think it's fine..
But I feel strange..really..
Know why I'm not telling you about it yet?
It's coz I think I should wait..If it continues..
then I'll tell you..sigh..
For now..
Just go with the flow..
Don't try and make things better because it's only
up to fate..